I guess I’m behind the times. I just got around to reading The Dilbert Principle by Scott Adams. It’s a satirical book on dysfunctional corporate culture that’s eerily accurate, and explores the following principle:

The most ineffective workers are systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage — Management.

When I saw Office Space, I remarked that “it’s not a comedy, it’s documentary.” The same applies to The Dilbert Principle.

The book came out in 1996. Ten years ago! I got my copy for $2 at a used book store a couple weeks ago. Defintely an enjoyable read.

The kicker for me, though, and the reason for the blog entry on a 10 year old book is that just this moring I was reading the chapter on “Leadership.” In it, Adams says:

Leaders spend their time concentrating on “visions” of the future. This can involve have lunch with other leaders, attending golf events, or even reading a book.

Ha, ha. What made this even funnier to me is that the front of the business section of my paper had the following story, which I read minutes later:

Birdies, bogies and building business

Golf has become as integral to business as the boardroom. On the course, executives cozy up to customers, and junior employees build paths to the corner office.
